What You Need To Master Before The End Of The Pandemic.

Maha Rachak
7 min readFeb 7, 2021

In a TED-Talk hosted by Bill Gates in 2015, the Microsoft Co-founder warned that one of the great risks for humanity will not be a nuclear war but a contagious virus, that could threaten people’s lives around the world. In 2020, this virus has spread and caused a humanitarian disaster. We gave it a name — The Coronavirus or Covid-19.

The spread of the coronavirus has serious consequences on both the population and the economy. But we can’t deny how much it affected, and still affecting our daily life.

In order to understand perfectly how you can benefit from this period, I would like you to focus on reading this article fully. Enjoy!

We have a precious time now, more than ever before. For this reason, you might need to rethink your life and focus on things that claim change, attention, and care. With a new perspective for a better future.

Since we’re promised an end to this pandemic, I decided to talk about the major points that I find mandatory to master now before taking another step further in life and getting ahead with a bigger vision of your aims and your surroundings.

- Prioritize your Self-Care:

Bear in mind that taking care of yourself is never selfish, on the contrary, setting aside a quiet time just for you gives you the ability to relax your nerves, and do the little things that add up to caring for you.

Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

About physical care, your skeletal system relies on the nutrients it gains from your digestive system to build strong and healthy bones. If you didn’t start yet, it’s time you learn how to fit cooking in your schedule, along with knowing how many calories, proteins, and other vitamins your meal contains. Once it’s mastered, this task won’t be a wonder.

Other physical needs that should be taken care of are mind rest and body shape. Often neglected, sleep is the component of every person’s overall health and well-being, it improves your concentration and productivity. Get the most of it based on your agenda. This mission allows taking a good rhythm from now on. Keep in mind that good sleepers tend to eat fewer calories and have more energy to work out to maintain a good shape.

About the emotional side. Early in the morning or by the end of the day, you will surely need relaxation. Meditation is the key! Give yourself the chance to relax and envision your best self, without making self-critical statements. Stress is inevitable but the way you react to it without hurting yourself is requisite.

Emotional care includes surrounding yourself with supportive people, spend time with friends and family members who make you feel satisfied with yourself. The more you take care of yourself, the more you make a positive impact on others. You will have a powerful frame of mind to smile and spread good cheer that benefits you and those around you.

- Identify your feelings:

This pandemic has surely made you ruminate or just think about your past mistakes and griefs. This thing needs to be solved now. But you have to identify your feelings first, then the source, and finally, think about a solution.

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes’’- Sigmund Freud.

Photo by Andy BELLEGARDE on Unsplash

For example: Feeling anxious. In this case, you will need to identify the normal anxiety and the general anxiety disorder. Normal anxiety is intermittent and is expected based on certain events or situations, such as a school exam, a post-beak-up, or coping with an illness. On the other hand, anxiety disorder tends to be chronic, irrational, and incessant worry or even avoiding life tasks.

Another example: Feeling insecure. If you’re feeling insecure about something in your body, manners, beliefs, etc, then it will be essential to acknowledge the roots of your insecurities, is it from childhood? Adolescence period? Or your early years in adulthood?

Mark Wolynn’s book ‘’It Didn’t Start With You’’ has been so helpful to thousands of people (myself included). I recommend you read a few pages from time to time so as to recognize the source of your behaviors and instant feelings. Trust me, if you read this book, you might never ask to see a therapist.

- Invest in your relationships:

With a little focus on the intimate ones. Misconceptions around closeness and intimacy during the pandemic are common, considering many couples are living together or living apart, spending time together, whether in real life or virtually.

“Couples who want a deeper, richer connection need to invest in getting curious about one another. Not only in how their partner is spending their day but truly searching for what makes them smile, blossom, feel moved or hungry for life”- Mollie Eliasof.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Maintaining closeness with your partner during this time can have positive results for everyone involved. More than obvious, there’s nothing better than the art of communication and reciprocity, to better understand your partner’s needs and express your needs too.

I personally feel so lucky and grateful to have such a caring and loving partner in my life. Day by day, I get to realize that it’s more about actions than words, more about compassion than chemistry. Obviously, times of uncertainty are difficult, but making a concerted effort to stay connected and close could be beneficial for your relationship and your own personal stress levels. From this hectic period, you will learn how to better manage your relationship for the next coming years, if you’re looking for a long term one.

- Develop a positive attitude:

Having a positive attitude is a decision you have to make yourself. Make time for fun, especially when you’re stressed, by watching a movie, or series, reading a book, finding a hobby to enjoy… Don’t forget to be out and about from now and then and keep a gratitude journal by your side.

‘’Having any connection to nature, even if it’s just looking out a window and seeing what’s happening out there, can buffer you against the effects of stress for that moment.’’ — Mayra Mendez.

Photo by Cristian Escobar on Unsplash

Try practicing talking about yourself positively to your friends. Know that you have a lot to offer to the world, even when you feel unseen or not understood. And then move to the next level by learning coping skills.

One last thing I could recommend in this part is engaging mindfulness in your life. Mindfulness is about acceptance of any bad or good thoughts you are having presently and gently letting them go for the moment to focus on your breath and what is going on around you. Embrace your individuality and try to avoid comparing yourself to others. There’s no one out there just like you, who has grown up with your experiences and who has your talents.

- Revive your motivation:

When it comes to motivation and achieving your goals, the best is to take baby steps. You can do this by adjusting your goals to focus on things that really matter to you, and that is achievable, all by improving your confidence and reminding yourself of what you achieved in the past.

Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

Spotting your strengths could be helpful too. You can work on making improvements on strengthening your weaknesses so that you feel more skilled and capable of doing what intrigues you. Remember that the word ‘’alternative’’ exists in vocabulary; if something isn’t helping you reach your goals or making you feel unmotivated, look for an alternative that might work well for you.

Bonus: At the entrepreneurial level, this is the greatest period to launch a new business, start planning for developing new products, or broaden your selling in other countries. I’m currently working on my future brand’s project, and I can’t wait to launch my business, what about you?

Thank you for coming to the end of this article. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment if something specific intrigued your interest.

See you in my next articles, ( you can read old ones if you didn’t yet). Hoping to provide you with more interesting information about new topics!



Maha Rachak

A college student, traveler, and photographer. Currently based in France.